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Attendance Policy

  1. Students are required by law to be in attendance every day that school is in session. A student’s attendance at school directly affects academic success and dropout rates later in a child’s school career.
  2. If a student is ill, a parent should call each day and notify the office of the absence and reason. Call 686-3240 anytime and leave a message with the office staff or on the school’s answering machine.
  3. The Attendance Clerk will place a call to the home of any absent student if we do not receive a phone call.
  4. Even though a phone call is made, a written excuse for the dates of absence is required upon the child’s return to school. This note should include the student’s full name, dates of absence, teacher, reason, and parent signature.
  5. If no written excuse is received within five days, the absence is considered unexcused.
  6. Parents should send a note stating the dates a student will miss school due to vacation at least one week in advance. This is an unexcused absence. The Attendance Clerk will issue a vacation letter.
  7. As per Court Street Attendance Policy, class work/homework could be provided to a student based on teacher discretion. One-week notice is required.
  8. Advance notice of any lengthy absence is appreciated.
  9. Students may NOT be dropped off before 8:45 a.m. There is no supervision for students before 8:45 a.m. Students coming before 8:45 will receive a notice stating that they will need to attend the YMCA program in the morning. The phone number for the YMCA is 684-2395
  10. Students are to be in their classrooms by 9:00 a.m. Students arriving at school tardy (after 9:00 a.m.) will need to be signed in at the office to get a pass to class.

According to the Lancaster Board of Education Attendance Procedures, if a child has excessive absences, the following procedures will be followed:

  • The principal will be notified.
  • A letter will be sent home (quarterly) identifying that there is a concern about absences and/or tardies.
  • If appropriate, a referral will be made to Court Street School’s Multi-Tiered System of Support team.

If further absences occur:

  • A parent conference will be scheduled with the principal and/or school social worker.
  • The principal, social worker, and/or the district SRO officer will visit the home.