Student Handbook
As your child journeys through the elementary school years, you will no doubt have questions regarding the policies and procedures here at Court Street Elementary School. This handbook is intended to answer those questions. The information contained here varies from broad overviews of some of our programs, such as Art, Music and Physical Education, to very specific procedures, such as how to put money on lunch cards.
Please take the time to read through this book. You should also keep the book as a reference in case something that doesn’t apply to your circumstances now becomes relevant in the future.
The handbook has been organized alphabetically.
- Assemblies
- Attendance/Absences
- Awards
- Bus Transportation
- Character Edcuation
- Class Placement
- Discipline Code
- Dress Code
- Early Dismissal
- Emergency and Intervention Porcedures
- Field Trips
- Grade Reporting
- Health Office Information
- Homework
- Library Media Center
- Lunch Services
- Pictures
- Playground
- PTO Council
- School Closing Information
- School Day Schedule
- School Groups
- Special Area Classes
- Visitors
- Volunteers - Parents
- Students are required by law to be in attendance every day that school is in session. A student’s attendance at school directly affects academic success and dropout rates later in a child’s school career.
- If a student is ill, a parent should call each day and notify the office of the absence and reason. Call 686-3240 anytime and leave a message with the office staff or on the school’s answering machine.
- The Attendance Clerk will place a call to the home of any absent student if we do not receive a phone call.
- Even though a phone call is made, a written excuse for the dates of absence is required upon the child’s return to school. This note should include the student’s full name, dates of absence, teacher, reason, and parent signature.
- If no written excuse is received within five days, the absence is considered unexcused.
- Parents should send a note stating the dates a student will miss school due to vacation at least one week in advance. This is an unexcused absence. The Attendance Clerk will issue a vacation letter.
- As per Court Street Attendance Policy, class work/homework could be provided to a student based on teacher discretion. One-week notice is required.
- Advance notice of any lengthy absence is appreciated.
- Students may NOT be dropped off before 8:45 a.m. There is no supervision for students before 8:45 a.m. Students coming before 8:45 will receive a notice stating that they will need to attend the YMCA program in the morning. The phone number for the YMCA is 684-2395
- Students are to be in their classrooms by 9:00 a.m. Students arriving at school tardy (after 9:00 a.m.) will need to be signed in at the office to get a pass to class.
According to the Lancaster Board of Education Attendance Procedures, if a child has excessive absences, the following procedures will be followed:
- The principal will be notified.
- A letter will be sent home (quarterly) identifying that there is a concern about absences and/or tardies.
- If appropriate, a referral will be made to Court Street School’s Multi-Tiered System of Support team.
If further absences occur:
- A parent conference will be scheduled with the principal and/or school social worker.
- The principal, social worker, and/or the district SRO officer will visit the home.
Bus Transportation
All students in Lancaster are eligible for bus transportation. Students will be bused to and from the designated bus stop each day unless an Alternate Transportation Form has been submitted to the Transportation Department. This would be needed when a child requires before and/or after-school care at a location other than his/her own address.
If there is a temporary change short in duration, the student may bring a note stating the temporary change. A bus pass will be issued to the child stating the child’s drop-off address. The pass is then given to the driver.
Bus Behavior
Students receive instruction in bus safety each year. Students are required to follow the rules for bus behavior.
- Students must remain seated at all times.
- Students are to use “inside” voices.
- When moving to the front of the bus, walk slowly.
- Listen to the driver’s directions at all times.
- Respect all other riders.
Appropriate bus behavior is reinforced through the Court Street Peace Bus meetings, which occur three times during the school year. If the bus driver has spoken to a child about inappropriate behavior and the behavior continues, a Bus Conduct Form will be written and sent to the principal. After three infractions, there may be a loss of bus transportation for three to five days to and from school.
Character Edcuation
Court Street Elementary has developed a Character Education curriculum for students. This curriculum reinforces positive behaviors, good citizenship, conflict resolution, and respecting differences.
Court Street Elementary School has a Character Education Committee continuously focusing on this curriculum. The program focuses on recognizing students who exhibit positive character traits.
Class Placement
Our teachers play an integral part in placing children. Grade level meetings take place to discuss the best educational setting for each child. We examine academic factors, social skills, physical requirements, class make-up, and parent concerns.
It is important to get input from parents who would like to share information about their child’s learning. Parents will be invited to complete a Parent Input Sheet in the spring. Please refrain from requesting a specific teacher by name. We believe all teachers have strengths and children benefit from exposure to many different teaching styles and personalities.
Discipline Code
DASA means Dignity for All Students Act. The goal of DASA is to provide public elementary and secondary school students with a safe and supportive learning environment free from discrimination, intimidation, taunting, harassment, and bullying on school property, on a school bus, or at a school function.
For more information about DASA, see the LCSD Code of Conduct. Court Street Elementary School’s administration and faculty take great pride in providing its students with an inviting, positive environment. The student’s behavior plays an important role in maintaining a positive atmosphere.
At Court Street Elementary School, students should:
- Be respectful.
- Demonstrate responsibility by completing work neatly and in a timely fashion.
- Follow classroom, cafeteria, gymnasium, and library rules.
- Walk to and from classes.
- Take pride in our school by keeping it clean, orderly, and in good condition.
- Speak politely while using proper manners.
- Lastly, put forth their best effort in all areas.
On occasion, it may be necessary for a teacher/staff member to request that a student who has misbehaved see the building principal. The following steps are possible consequences for inappropriate behavior:
- Visit with Building Administrator
- Call placed to Parent(s)/Guardian(s)
- Conference with Parent(s)
- Lunch detention
- Suspension from activities (privileges)
- After-School Detention/Behavior Workshop
- Bus suspension
- Suspension (in or out of school)
- Visit with school social worker
On occasion, the building administrator may be out of the building during the school day. There will be a well-experienced and pre-trained staff member in charge. This staff member will follow the same discipline steps and document the information for the building administrator’s return.
For more information about the Code of Conduct, see LCSD Code of Conduct under the heading Student Conduct.
Dress Code
The dress code for Court Street Elementary School is one of practicality and in compliance with Lancaster Central School District Code of Conduct. Students should be appropriately dressed for the school day and weather conditions.
A student’s dress, and appearance shall:
- Not create a distraction that interferes with the educational process.
- Be appropriate (no short shorts, low hanging jeans, or no bare midriffs)
- Include footwear (sneakers are recommended) (no flip-flops)
- Not include headwear in the classroom except for a medical or religious purpose (hats and baseball caps are not allowed)
- Not promote and/or endorse the use of alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs and/or encourage illegal or violent activities.
In the elementary setting, we promote physical activity including Physical Education, recess and/or outdoor play. We highly recommend students wear sneakers or rubber-soled shoes for safety in play. Sneakers are required 8 for Physical Education and on the playground for all students. Flip-flops are also not appropriate footwear for school and will not be allowed during school, after school, or during evening events.
Personal Items in School
Personal items and electronic toys such as iPods and cell phones are not allowed on school property including school buses. Many of these items have great monetary and personal value and should not be brought to school. Any student not in compliance will have the item(s) confiscated. Parents will need to come to school to have the item returned.
Weapons in School
Lancaster Central School District has instituted a Zero Tolerance Policy toward students bearing weapons, toy weapons, or items resembling weapons on school property (including school buses). Weapons are defined as any object, which may do bodily harm to others or may appear to do bodily harm to others. The building principal will investigate the situation and consult with the superintendent of schools as to consequences and resolution of the incident.
Early Dismissal
Students requiring an early dismissal should bring a note stating the student’s full name, date, time, reason, name of person picking them up and parent signature. These students will be included on a Daily Pickup list that is created in the Main Office. The early dismissal information will be noted on the student’s attendance record. Students having an early dismissal during the school day (before 3:25 p.m.) are signed out in the main office. Student will be called to the office. The adult picking child up will be required to present photo ID.
Dismissal of Students
Students being picked up by a parent or other adult at dismissal should submit a note including the student’s full name, teacher, by whom and day/days child will be picked up. The student’s name will be added to the Daily Pick-Up List. Students being picked up are dismissed at 3:25 p.m. The person picking the child up should report to the side exit near the gymnasium no earlier than 3:15. The adult picking the child up must have photo ID. 9 Walkers are also dismissed at 3:25 p.m. Those students wishing to walk should bring a note stating parental permission to walk from school. This note may be sent to school at the beginning of the year for the duration of the school year.
Returning to School after Dismissal
NO ONE will be allowed back in the classroom after the teacher has left the classroom at the end of the day, or in the evening. School doors will remain locked for security reasons. Cleaners and custodians are not allowed to let students or adults in any room unless the teacher is present.
Emergency and Intervention Porcedures
Court Street Elementary School has developed a Crisis Plan in conjunction with the guidelines of the Lancaster Central School District Crisis Intervention Committee. The school currently has organized three intervention teams: (1) Medical Response Team; (2) Emergency Response Team; and (3) Crisis Intervention Team.
The Medical Response Team is composed of the building principal, school nurse, and select faculty trained in first aid. In the event of a serious medical emergency involving a student, staff, and/or visitor, a “Medical Emergency” call is placed throughout the building to notify the Medical Response Team.
The Emergency Response Team is composed of the building principal, front office personnel, school nurse, school social worker, and faculty. In the event of a safety concern, we have instituted the following emergency procedures:
Lock Out
Lock Down
Evacuate the Building
Our Crisis Intervention Team is composed of the building principal, school nurse, school social worker and school psychologist. In the event of a death of a student, parent or staff member, this team would follow procedures to implement necessary support programs.
Field Trips
Each year field trips are made available to classrooms courtesy of the Court Street PTO. Fundraising done by the PTO supports necessary transportation and total cost of dues, fees, or tickets required for field trips.
We do not have a preset number of field trips. The classroom teacher and/or grade levels determine field trips. Most often parents are asked to serve as chaperones. Younger siblings, however, are not allowed to travel with the chaperones. The individual classroom teacher determines the number of chaperones.
In the event a parent or teacher requests a child not attend the field trip, instructional plans will be made for the child to complete in another classroom while his/her class is away.
Grade Reporting
Health Office Information
Illness and Absences
If your child is absent due to illness or injury, the Attendance Office needs to be notified. If your child has a serious illness, has been hospitalized, or will be hospitalized, the Health Office will need a note from the physician stating the reasons for the absence and restrictions, if there are any.
In the event a child becomes ill or injured during the school day, the school nurse will immediately contact the parents/legal guardians of the child. If unavailable, calls will be made to those individuals listed on the Emergency Form.
Medication in School
New York State Education Law has specific laws regarding the handling of medication in school. The mandates are:
- Any medication given in school, whether it is over the counter or prescribed medication, must have a written note from the physician stating the dosage, time for the medication and duration.
- The parents must sign a permission slip giving the school nurse permission to administer the medication. The medication must be in a labeled bottle and the parent and/or guardian must deliver the medication to school. Students are not allowed to transport medications to or home from school. A physician may fax his order to the school.
Physicals and Screenings
All students new to the building MUST have a physical by their private physician or completed by the school physician. All students in grades Kindergarten, second, fourth, seventh, and tenth must also have a physical.
Students in grades Kindergarten through tenth will have an annual hearing exam. All students will receive an annual eye exam. Scoliosis screening is mandated for students age 8 to 16.
If at any time a parent has a concern regarding their child’s vision or hearing, they may request a screening by the school nurse.
When a student breaks a bone or suffers another type of injury that will restrict physical education, contact sports, or recess time, there must be a note from the attending physician or family physician stating the physical education restrictions and the length of time the child will be out of physical education. A note is also needed when the child is released from gym restrictions. A student will not be allowed to participate in gym class unless there is a note from the physician. A note from a parent may not be accepted as release notes. The school has a fax number to accept a physician’s fax. The number is 716-686-3306.
Homework is an important component of a child’s education because it provides an opportunity for students to practice a skill. The content covered in a homework assignment is not new material, but rather reinforcement of what was learned in class.
School Guidelines
- Court Street Elementary teachers will assign homework that is purposeful.
- Court Street Elementary teachers will provide effective feedback about the skills being reinforced in the homework assignment.
Home Guidelines
- Help your child establish a consistent and organized place for homework to be completed without distractions.
- Help your child establish a consistent time for homework to be completed.
- Encourage, motivate, and prompt your child, but do not complete the homework for him/her. The purpose of the homework is for your child to practice the skills learned in school.
- Encourage your child to read directions and begin homework independently.
- If your child attempts to complete the homework and struggles with a particular skill and/or homework assignment, send a note to the teacher explaining the struggles.
Library Media Center
Our mission is to ensure that students and staff are effective users of information and resources.
The Court Street Elementary School Library Media Center strives to meet the needs of the entire school population. Classes are scheduled for an instructional period and a separate book exchange time.
The library curriculum is fully integrated within the classroom curriculum. This is accomplished through cooperatively planned research projects, literature appreciation (i.e., reading and storytelling), and other classes and special projects. We have a well-rounded, extensive print and non-print collection. We also have more than 15 computers available for students, including our automated circulation system and various reference materials.
Computer Usage
Chromebook Distribution
At the start of each school year, students may be issued a device and power supply for use during the school year. There is no cost to receive these items as it is a primary educational tool. It is the responsibility of the student that has been assigned a device, to provide proper care and protection of the device. Devices should only be used by the student to whom they were assigned. As per LCSD Policy #7317, damage and/or loss of the device due to a failure to properly care and maintain the device will result in repair and/or replacement charges being levied to the student. Device malfunctions from normal use will not incur a charge.
The LCSD encourages students to use computers and technology available in our school facilities; however, with this use comes responsibility. For a more detailed description of student computer and Internet use rights and responsibilities refer the Court Street School agenda planner or LCSD Policy #7315 – Student Use of Computerized Information Resources (Acceptable Use Policy).
Loan Periods
books are due every two weeks. Magazines and videos are due in one week. Students who forget to return their book during their weekly class receive a reminder notice. Other late notices may be sent by mail. *If material is lost or irreparably damaged, a bill for replacement of the item is mailed. *There is no charge for overdue material. Instead, we hope to instill in our students a sense of responsibility regarding proper care and return of library items. We hope that this will be reinforced at home. If you have any questions regarding the status of overdue material or lost books, please call the Library Media Center.
Lunch Services
The Lancaster Central Food Service Department designs the breakfast and lunch program and predetermines our cafeteria menu.
Breakfast Program
A grab-and-go breakfast is available for children immediately when students exit the buses.
Daily Lunches
Every month students receive a monthly lunch menu. The menu lists the items available for the children to buy on a daily basis. Milk is available every day. (Skim, 2%, whole milk, and chocolate milk.) Snack items are also available every day.
Children wishing to purchase lunches sign up for their selections in their classrooms each morning. When a child comes in late, please tell the front office what he/she will be ordering. Elementary lunch charges are noted on the menu.
An electronic Point-of-Sales system for all food purchases has been established. The Point-of-Sales system offers parent/guardians a convenient and easy payment system to prepay for school meals and snack purchases. By choosing this option you do need your child’s ID number, which can be obtained (if not known) by calling the Lancaster Central School District Food Service Department at 686-3246. By making prepayments in advance, lunch lines move more quickly, leaving students additional time for enjoying their lunch period.
Cafeteria Behavior Guidelines
Our cafeteria has ten behavior guidelines. These are:
- Stay in your seat and raise your hand if you need help.
- Use good table manners, and keep your hands and feet to yourself.
- Make good choices when talking and eating.
- Be kind to others, helping out whenever you can.
- Remember, there is a class coming in after you; check the table and floor for garbage.
- Wait in line quietly and respect others.
- Always use inside voices.
- When the lights are turned off, stop talking immediately.
- Most important: Enjoy good food with good friends.
In the event a child is displaying inappropriate behavior, he/she will be spoken to by one of the two cafeteria monitors. If inappropriate behavior continues, a student may be asked to sit at a separate table. If additional action if warranted, the principal will also talk with the student.
The daily lunch is thirty minutes. Students should wash their hands and use the bathroom prior to arriving at the cafeteria. In the event of an emergency, students may request to use the lavatory.
Allergen Safe Table
An allergen safe table is designated in the cafeteria. Please contact the school nurse if you would like your child to be seated at the allergen safe table during his/her lunch period. An allergen safe table will also be available during any off-campus field trips. Parents should notify the Health Office of an allergy our child may have. We encourage students to be proactive in the care and management of their food allergies and reactions based on developmental level.
Parent Lunch Guests
Parents may join their child(ren) for lunch two times during the school year for a special occasion at the tables provided outside of the cafeteria. If a parent would like to eat with his/her child, a call is made to the main office to reserve a day and time. There are 8 seats available. If seats are filled, you will need to choose a different day and time. Parents may order lunch for themselves if the order is received by 9:30 a.m. Outside foods may be brought in. Upon arrival, parents should sign in at the main office. You may not invite other children to join you. Unless you are coming in to celebrate your child’s September or October birthday, lunch visits do not start until November.
Forgotten Lunches/Lunch Charges
If a child forgets his/her lunch, a school lunch may be ordered. The student will receive a lunch slip indicating how much he/she owes. Students may charge lunches when necessary. Snacks, however, may not be charged. Lunch charges should be paid the following day. A student may not charge his/her lunch and then use their lunch money to purchase snacks.
School pictures are taken in the fall and spring of each year. Picture Day is scheduled so that pictures are available for holiday gifts. A flyer is sent home explaining packages available and yearbook availability. Parents are under no obligation to purchase packages. All students will have their pictures taken to be in the yearbook. If needed, retakes may be taken. Yearbooks are distributed at the end of the school year.
The Court Street playground is designed for 5-12 year old children. It is not recommended for children under the age of 5 without adult supervision and is not available during school hours for under-age children. The playground is closed to everyone except classrooms during the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
The playground is closed before school starts in the morning. During the school day, classroom or physical education teachers may use the playground for instruction or recess time. Students are welcome to use the playground after school once they have gone home to notify their parents as to their whereabouts.
Playground Rules
- There is to be no running on the raised wood chip area of the playground.
- Students are not to jump off the swings.
- Slides are to be used properly.
- Students should not stand on parallel bars or climb along the top bars.
- Students should keep hands and feet to themselves.
Additional guidelines may be added at classroom teacher’s discretion.
PTO Council
Each PTO council member must be a Court Street parent, and each member serves a one-year term. Please check the district calendar for PTO meeting dates. The PTO holds two primary fundraisers a year: fall and spring. These fundraisers provide funding for special events, field trips, field trip transportation, and student incentives and rewards.
Becoming a member of the PTO is very simple. When school opens, the PTO holds a membership drive. Membership dues are $5.00. This money also funds school activities. A membership is not a time commitment. Parent participation in special events is on a volunteer basis.
Each year the PTO sponsors many family-oriented events such as Family Fun Nights, Book Fairs, and more
School Closing Information
School Day Schedule
8:50 a.m. – Students may enter the classrooms
9:00 a.m. – School day begins
11:00 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. – School lunches served
3:15 p.m. – YMCA Program, Walkers, after-school daycare, Students being picked up by parent/relative are dismissed.
3:20 p.m. – Students are called to buses
No children should be dropped off before 8:45 a.m. Supervision is not provided for students dropped off before 8:45 a.m.
School Groups
Building Planning Team (BPT)
A committee of teacher and parent representatives that meet monthly with the building principal. The shared decision-making team goals are established in the areas of curriculum, instruction, assessment, and professional development. Building Planning Team goals are posted on the Court Street website.
Literacy/Math Committees
A committee of teachers meet to review curriculum and instruction, in order to make school-wide decisions about programs.
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
A non-profit organization of current parents and teachers led by a seven-person council that organizes all special events for students.
Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)
A team of educational professionals that meets weekly to discuss appropriate interventions and support services for students. The team includes the building principal, the school psychologist, the school social worker, the school nurse, classroom teachers from each grade level, a special area teacher, Academic Intervention specialists, and the speech/language teacher.
YMCA After School
The Lancaster YMCA provides after-school care for students in the cafeteria. Students may be registered through the Lancaster YMCA (684-2395). This is an independent care provider that is not affiliated with the school.
Special Area Classes
Art students in Kindergarten through third grade focus on the elements of art, while learning about different artists. Students discuss line, shape, color and texture. After students have been introduced to a new idea or topic they are involved in an art project to help reinforce concepts and encourage self-discovery.
Students work with a variety of art media and explore different art processes. Projects offer independent and cooperative learning experiences. Students also develop a basic understanding and appreciation of the visual arts. We offer a multitude of problem-solving experiences. This allows students to be both creative and expressive.
Weekly Art Schedule
- Kindergarten: Two 40-minute periods
- First Grade: Two 40-minute periods
- Second Grade: Two 40-minute periods
- Third Grade: Two 40-minute periods
Elementary Music
All students in grades K-3 receive general music instruction. This is a full-year program. Classes are scheduled as follows:
- Kindergarten: Two 30-minute periods
- First Grade: Two 30-minute periods
- Second Grade: Two 30-minute periods
- Third Grade: Two 30-minute periods
Students study a wide variety of composers, compositions, and elements of music theory. Third graders also participate in chorus twice a week for thirty minutes. They perform in a winter concert in December/January and a spring concert in April/May.
Physical Education
Areas of interest to be included:
- New York State requires that all students participate in 120 minutes of Physical Education each week.
- Students must come prepared in order to safely participate in the activities. All students need only bring or wear a pair of sneakers. The sneakers must have a stable, rubber sole, no higher than one inch.
- Reminder notices are sent home with any child who comes unprepared for PE. Students who are not prepared will not participate in any activities. Worksheets and journal writing assignments will be completed during PE class time. These assignments always pertain to the day’s lesson so the student is not missing any information.
- Excessive unprepareds (three or more during one marking period) will result in a lower grade.
- The Physical Education curriculum follows the guidelines set by the NYS Standards. This curriculum incorporates activities that encourage all aspects of movement. Students are taught various skills and introduced to different games and activities that promote positive attitudes towards exercise.
- If a student is unable to participate in PE due to a medical reason, the following guidelines have been set:
- If the child will be out of PE for less than three days a note from a parent should be sent in to school and given to the school nurse or Physical Education teacher.
- If the child will be out of PE for more than three days a note from a physician should be given to the school nurse.
- Activities can be modified for students who have temporary illnesses. Simply send in a note describing that certain activities should be modified so as not to aggravate an existing condition.
Weekly Physical Education Schedule:
- Kindergarten: Four 30-minute periods
- First Grade: Four 30-minute periods
- Second Grade: Three 40-minute periods
- Third Grade: Three 40-minute periods
The following rules apply to visitors to the schools:
- Anyone who is not a regular District staff member or student of the school will be considered a visitor.
- All visitors to the school must report to the main office upon arrival at the school and state the purpose of their visit. Visitors will be required to sign the visitors register and take a visitors badge. Visitors are to immediately report to the area of their stated business and promptly leave the building when their business is completed.
- Visitors attending school functions that are open to the public, such as parent-teacher organization meetings or public gatherings are not required to register.
- Visitors are expected to refrain from taking class time to discuss individual matters with teachers
- Visitations will occur in a way that avoids or minimizes distribution to the normal learning process and the ordinary classroom routine. The building administrator may accompany visitors during the visit when appropriate. Visitors are expected to maintain confidentiality regarding information acquired during the course of the visit.
- Any unauthorized person on school property will be reported to the Principal or his or her designee. Unauthorized persons will be asked to leave. The police may be called if the situation warrants.
- Before a child may be released from the building with a visitor, must be approved by the building principal or designee as one having the legal right to take the child. The visitor will wait in the main office for the child to come from the classroom.
- All visitors are expected to abide by the rules for public conduct on school property contained in the LCSD Code of Conduct.
Volunteers - Parents
Parents may participate in school as volunteers in many ways. At the beginning of each year, the PTO sends out a special events listing. Parents may choose to volunteer for any of the events. A PTO Council member will be coordinating each event and contacting volunteers.
Lastly, some of our classrooms use parent volunteers during the day to assist with classroom activities. The individual teachers organize the classroom volunteers.
Every volunteer in our building is requested to complete a Volunteer Application.